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Find You Fall In Love

Dec 8, 2022

Let's talk about 2023 goals. What are mine, how did I come up with these goals and how am I prioritizing things? As a person who is autistic, bipolar, and possibly/most likely ADHD I have had a love hate relationship with goal setting and I wanted to sit down and talk about that, how I measure success, and failure these...

Nov 21, 2022

I've spent the last two years creating and emphasizing the importance of boundaries. One of the hardest parts of creating and managing boundaries is when we have to communicate a new boundary and we get pushback from the person in question. Today I'm going to talk about a situation I just came up against and how I...

Nov 8, 2022

We are going to talk about some of the struggles of budgeting as an entrepreneur, what starting the candle business has meant for my finances, and how i'm planning for the next few months and prioritizing my funds. 

Nov 3, 2022

Sometimes in life we make changes and then realize that we have made a mistake. That happened. Let's talk more about mistakes and why i'm changing the name back to Find You Fall In Love. Thank you for your patience with me as I mess up and learn from my mistakes. Deep love to you all! 

Oct 24, 2022

You know the should's...i should eat healthy, i should exercise, i should go on dates, i should journal...all those things and all that pressure we place on ourselves to do the self care, while being a good human, while trying to be healthy, while raising a family...oh and work...sheesh! You get the idea but no wonder...